Kementerian BUMN dan Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) bersinergi dengan seluruh BUMN di Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate baik lulusan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


Seleksi dan Penerimaan

Cara Melihat Status Pendaftaran
Curriculum Vitae

Fairuz Nathania Azizah Jinan Muhammad

Fairuz Nathania Azizah Jinan Muhammad

Kota Bekasi
Terakhir login 4 hari yang lalu

Sebagai mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indoneisa, saya memiliki ketertarikan untuk mempelajari dan mengembangkan pengetahuan mengenai hukum pidana. Saya adalah orang yang kreatif yang suka desain, menulis, dan membaca.

Sedang berjalan
Universitas Indonesia

S1 Hukum IPK 3.72

Juli 2024 - Agustus 2024
Intern KC Bekasi
Verified intern of Logo Magenta

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Magang

Maret 2023 - Januari 2024
Staff of Press

Perfilma FH UI Organisasi

● Become the Person in Charge of The Studio’s magazine (informative literatures work program).
● Checking the writing sources, designing the magazine, and managing the production.
● Become a journalist by writing hot news based on the interviewees’ answer.

Maret 2023 - Januari 2024
Staff of Finance

Podium FH UI Organisasi

● Become the Person in Charge of Podium FH UI’s merchandise official account work program.
● Creating Podium Kit or mini merchandise poster design.
● Creating designs for the Podium Store’s social media which results in the addition of 50 followers.

Desember 2020 - Oktober 2021
Head of Art Decoration And Creative Design

Bazkom Carasel Spestasia Project Base

● Making stage properties for the Citraloka show.
● Designing stage and venue decoration concept.
● Lead the team generally and manage each staff by dividing the jobs.
● Planning the concept design that will be published in the media.
● Designing the poster for the event's publication and achieving more than 5000 likes.
● Creating a logo that becomes the identity of the event.

Agustus 2020 - Agustus 2021
Head of Education and Training

Paskibra 68 Organisasi

● Training and educating members mainly about physical strength, discipline, and etiquette.
● Held the new innovation work program; NATIONS; Nationalism Debate Competition and Webinar; and
reach 15+ participants from many provinces.
● Being the 2nd Winner of Paskibra Formation Creation Competition at KROPS SMAN 61Jakarta.

Hard Skills:
Desain Grafis
Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
Data Analysis

Soft Skills:
Work ethic
Time management