Kementerian BUMN dan Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) bersinergi dengan seluruh BUMN di Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate baik lulusan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


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Cara Melihat Status Pendaftaran
Curriculum Vitae

Kayla Putri Arvina

Kayla Putri Arvina

Kota Adm. Jakarta Timur
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Kayla, seorang Fresh-Graduate dari Bisnis Internasional di Universitas Padjadjaran|Ex-Marketing and Business Development intern di PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Internasional (TELIN)|Ex-Junior Assistant di Free Trade Agreement Center

Juli 2024
Universitas Padjadjaran

D4 Administrasi Bisnis International IPK 3.92

September 2024 - Februari 2025
Verified intern of Logo Magenta

PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Magang

April 2023 - Oktober 2023
Marketing and Business Development

TELIN (Telekomunikasi Indonesia Internasional) Magang

Telin (PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International) is a subsidiary of PT. Telkom Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom), a state-owned telecommunication and network provider. Telin focuses as an international carrier services and strategic investment in international telecommunication business as well as serves as Telkom’s business arms in managing and developing its business lines abroad. At this company, i assisted Digital Marketplace Enabler unit.


● Executed a Neutrafix business process
● Collaborated with account manager TELIN to manage Neutrafix promotion
● Checked the seller and their routes on Neutrafix
● Accomplished and validated a weekly promotion of Neutrafix
● Collected and created big data from every event that Telin’s attended
● Participated in monitoring project progress as well as evaluated and analyzed project progress and project result
● Validated the member/company that has been onboarded on Neutrafix

Februari 2023 - Juni 2023
Junior Assistant

Free Trade Agreement Center Bandung Magang

The FTA Center is a public service that continues to be developed by the Directorate General of International Trade Negotiations (Ditjen PPI) of the Ministry of Trade in collaboration with the University of Indonesia, Padjadjaran University, Diponegoro University, and Hasanuddin University, to disseminate information about Indonesian free trade agreements and encourage their use.

● Participated with 14-person team to learn about export-import consulting
● Spearheaded the sub-team coordination as an intern team leader of this internship program
● Facilitated the export-import business to learn about the procedure, marketing, and their legality
● Delegated as a representative of Free Trade Agreement Center Bandung with a professional consultant and the assistant at Pengalengan, supported by Indonesia Expor Community 2023
● Prepared a consultation between the exporter and professional export-import consultant on a coaching clinic
● Completed the entry data of customers in Feb-June of 2023 using Google Sheets.
● Designed monthly content for FTA Center Bandung’s social media that posted on Instagram

Oktober 2023
Penyiapan Dokumen Ekspor

Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) 85491331200009172023

Unit Kompetensi:
- Melakukan Identifikasi Komoditi Ekspor
- Mengurus Dokumen Ekspor
- Membuat Packing List
- Membuat Invoice
- Mengaplikasikan Ketentuan dan Pengisian SKA
- Mengklasifikasikan Barang Ekspor Impor sesuai dengan HS CODE
- Mengurus Custom Clearance Ekspor
- Menyelesaikan Proses Post Clearance Kepabeanan Ekspor Impor

Lihat Media
Hard Skills:
Analisa Data
Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
Project Management

Soft Skills:
Problem Solving
Public speaking
Time management