Kementerian BUMN dan Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) bersinergi dengan seluruh BUMN di Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate baik lulusan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


Seleksi dan Penerimaan

Cara Melihat Status Pendaftaran
Curriculum Vitae

Tiar Petra

Tiar Petra

Kota Adm. Jakarta Timur
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Media Social

My name is Tiar Petra, and I am currently pursuing a degree in archives and records management at the University of Indonesia. I am interested in learning and further exploring the knowledge and skills through internship in BUMN.

Sedang berjalan
Universitas Indonesia

D4 Manajemen Rekod dan Arsip IPK 3.81

November 2024 - Februari 2025
Administrasi Kearsipan Group Sekretaris Perusahaan
Verified intern of Logo Magenta

PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia Magang

Juli 2024 - Oktober 2024

Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia Magang

1. Recording archive information content into the database system used by the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, with a total of 100 - 200 archive items per week.
2. File archives based on the type of activity and year of archive creation using archive boxes, with a total of 5 - 10 archive boxes filed per week.
3. Labeling the archive boxes that have been filed.

Agustus 2023 - Oktober 2023
Record Management

University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program Magang

1. Collecting all departmental electronic archives in the Vocational Education Program at the University of Indonesia.
2. Recording and classifying all departmental electronic archives in the Vocational Education Program at the University of Indonesia based on the University of Indonesia Archive Classification.
3. Participated in the process of creating a Guidebook for Archiving Electronic Records of Scientific Departments in the Vocational Education Program at the University of Indonesia.

November 2024
Sertifikat Praktik Kerja

Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI 182/Kemensetneg/PPKASN/PD.12.01/11/2024

Lihat Media
Hard Skills:
Leadership Skills
System Administration
Technical Writing
Technical Documentation

Soft Skills:
Active learning