Jumlah Karyawan
Nindya Karya is a BUMN engaged in the fields of General Contracting, EPC, and Investment, with five main business pillars: Construction, Energy, Manufacturing, Property, and Toll Road Enterprises. As a construction company, Nindya has undertaken various building projects in different regions of Indonesia. These projects encompass the construction of irrigation and dams, docks, industrial and EPC buildings, airports, hospitals, apartments and hotels, commercial buildings, highways and toll roads, flyovers and bridges, sports facilities, educational buildings, and various other commercial structures. These projects have directly and indirectly contributed to the country's economy. Throughout its extensive journey as a construction company, Nindya Karya has erected numerous monumental buildings that have become landmarks in Indonesia. One notable example is the construction of Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, which stands as one of the largest football stadiums in the world.
Menjadi Perusahaan Global di Bidang Konstruksi dan Investasi Berbasis Engineering yang Terpercaya, Terkemuka, dan Berkelanjutan
Kami hadir untuk memberikan sumbangsih terbaik bagi negeri dengan mengutamakan profesionalisme, integritas serta bersinergi dalam mewujudkan Indonesia yang lebih baik di masa depan.
Ulasan Perusahaan
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